Thursday, September 1, 2011


First day of September, which means FALL is almost here!  22 more days to be exact!

2011 is starting to fly by - I say starting because the first half of my year was kind of a sucky one, so I just want to forget about it all together.  The rest of this year is looking up though and I'm super excited about all that I have planned and have to accomplish:

- School starts on Tuesday!  I took the last year off but I am actually pretty excited to start this semester. I am only taking two online classes, but that's plenty with me working full time.  So now I have something to do at night while Eric is working late!

- Apple and pumpkin picking!! I seriously cannot wait to go to the local farm that I heard about from my sis and pick! I've never done anything like that, so I am like a kid when I talk about it!

- Cooler weather, sweaters, scarves!, hot chocolate, bonfires, moccasins, carving pumpkins, Ravens games!,  spending time with my family and Eric, and the leaves changing color!

- Deep Creek Lake vacation with my family in a couple weeks! I have looked at pictures of the area and all there is to do there and it just makes me super happy to know that we all will get a weekend away from everything and just get to relax.  A PLUS - Eric got off work, so I am beyond excited that he gets to go!! :)

- Taylor Swift concert in Oklahoma! Get to visit the soon to be parents Sara and Justin! for a couple days and also going to see my sister's best friend Lucy since she lives there.

- New camera! I am making it a goal to save up money to get a new Nikon D3100!  Fall is the perfect season to take beautiful pictures.

- Working out and eating healthy!!  This is a top, top, number one goal for me!  I really want to get in better shape and feel good about myself.

- TRAVELING! With everyone going back to school and not taking as many vacations in the Fall, Eric and I can go on more trips together!  He works for Southwest, so the benefit of flying together for free is great!!  We have already been on 4 trips this year (mainly to Florida haha).  I can only fly a certain number of times a year since we are not married, but I'm hoping in the next couple years to be a Mr. and Mrs.!! He was telling me about the shirt they have in the Southwest giftshop that says: "Marry Me, Fly for Free" and then on the back says "on standy of course" - that's so cute, still waiting on that shirt (*wink wink, Eric!)

- Dexter and How I Met Your Mother premiers!  I'm addicted to both of these shows...can't wait for the new seasons!

- Halloween!  Last year, I threw a party at my house for Halloween and spent a rediculous amount of money on decorations and my costumes (yes plural, I went a little overboard), but I had such a great time.  My parents are thinking about throwing a party for their friends and some of my friends this year to put the decorations to good use again, so it should be a great party!  I want to come up with a really cute couples costume for Eric and me too! 

Looking forward to the next couple months :)

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